Need help with serial transmission system project

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Need help with serial transmission system project

Postby andyg » Tue May 24, 2011 1:51 pm

I have to design and build a system capable of the following;

1) A 4-bit number is to be obtained from a 4-bit dil switch and on the press of another switch the 7-bit ASCII equivalent is to be transmitted via a simple synchronous serial comm link.
2) The comm link is to operate on ttl levels and comprises three wires: data, ground and clock.
3) A receiever is to detect when a transmission has ocured and display the hexidecimal equivalent on two 7-seg displays.

The code below is for the transmitter, I'm not very knowledgable when it comes to VHDL so I apologise if its filled with 'obvious' errors. To the best of my limited ability I have attempted to debug the programme but it refuses to compile. Could anyone be able to help me out? Please reply in the simplest possible terms.


library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity transmitter is port(
bin: in unsigned (3 downto 0);
sout: out std_logic;
shift, load, clk: in std_logic);
end transmitter;

architecture module1 of transmitter is
process(bin, shift, load,clk)
variable temp: unsigned (6 downto 0);
variable index: integer;
if load ='1' then
case bin is
when "0000" => temp:= "0011110";
when "0001" => temp:= "0011111";
when "0010" => temp:= "0100000";
when "0011" => temp:= "0100001";
when "0100" => temp:= "0100010";
when "0101" => temp:= "0100011";
when "0110" => temp:= "0100100";
when "0111" => temp:= "0100101";
when "1000" => temp:= "0100110";
when "1001" => temp:= "0100111";
when "1010" => temp:= "0101001";
when "1011" => temp:= "0101010";
when "1100" => temp:= "0101011";
when "1101" => temp:= "0101100";
when "1110" => temp:= "0101101";
when "1111" => temp:= "0101110";
end case;
end if;
if shift = '1' then
index := 0;
else if shift = '0' then
index := 7;
end if;

while index < 7 loop
if rising_edge(clk) then
temp:= temp ror 1;
sout <= temp(6);
index := index + 1;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end process;
end module1;
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Joined: Tue May 24, 2011 1:46 pm

Re: Need help with serial transmission system project

Postby Case23 » Tue May 24, 2011 2:08 pm


you are trying to write hardware like a piece of software: do this and this and then do that (sequentially). In VHDL your hardware has a current state (content of your signals and sometimes of your variables) and you have to describe how to come to the next state, which is only an infinite small amount of time in the future.
Code: Select all
if rising_edge(clk) then
does not mean "wait here until the next rising edge comes", it means "if the current state is a rising edge". So if there is no rising edge, your code will end in an endless loop, because there is no time increment while your code is processed.
Try to simulate your code, it should help you understand what you have written.
(This is the most obvious error)
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Re: Need help with serial transmission system project

Postby andyg » Tue May 24, 2011 2:20 pm

I don't understand what you mean, I thought within a process it acts sequentially i.e. each statement follows on from the previous.
My compiler just comes out with gibberish that makes little sense to me, its telling me that shift is not a constant/variable and it also says "CASE statement is missing 6545 choices", whatever that means.
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Re: Need help with serial transmission system project

Postby Case23 » Wed May 25, 2011 7:58 am


yes it is executed sequentially in the sense that line x is executed before line x+1, but there is no real time increment. "Time when a process ends" is always the same as "time when the process starts" (i know with "wait" you can do a time increment, but thats only for simulation, it is not synthesisable).

your compiler is a synthesiser (compiler compile software, not hardware). i don`t understand whats the problem with "shift" right now. For the case statement error, you have to understand that an unsigned is an array of std_logic. A std_logic has 9 states. An array of 4 has 9*9*9*9 = 6561 states. Minus 16 defined are 6545 undefined choises. The solution is to add an catch all "others =>" after the last "when".

I still recommend to use a simulator ...
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Re: Need help with serial transmission system project

Postby tricky » Wed May 25, 2011 2:00 pm

andyg wrote:I don't understand what you mean, I thought within a process it acts sequentially i.e. each statement follows on from the previous.

The solution is to read up and learn about digital logic. Start off with basic logic gates (AND, OR, NOT etc) and then go into registers (which are created using logic gates). Logic and registers are the basis for all HDL designs. Without that basic understanding, you have no chance of writing useful VHDL.
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