I have an IS61WV25616BLL device on board and want to add a custom Avalon-MM salve IP to be able to use the ram.
Here is my custom verilog code. But the interface won’t compile. Do you have any idea how to solve the problem? I’m new to verilog and do not know what expert ion should I use. It say’s
Error (10137): Verilog HDL Procedural Assignment error at sram_controller.v(35): object "sram_data" on left-hand side of assignment must have a variable data type
Thanks in advance.
here is the code
- Code: Select all
// sram_controller.v
// This file was auto-generated as a prototype implementation of a module
// created in component editor. It ties off all outputs to ground and
// ignores all inputs. It needs to be edited to make it do something
// useful.
// This file will not be automatically regenerated. You should check it in
// to your version control system if you want to keep it.
module sram (
//avalon data bus
input wire clk, // clock.clk
input wire [17:0] avs_s0_address, // s0.address
input wire avs_s0_read_n, // .read_n
output wire [15:0] avs_s0_readdata, // .readdata
input wire avs_s0_write_n, // .write_n
input wire [15:0] avs_s0_writedata, // .writedata
input wire avs_s0_chipselect_n, // .chipselect_n
input wire [1:0] avs_s0_byteenable_n, // .byteenable_n
//sram data bus
inout wire [15:0] sram_data, // sram_data.export
output wire [17:0] sram_address, // sram_address.export
output wire sram_ncs, // sram_ncs.export
output wire sram_nwe, // sram_nwe.export
output wire sram_noe, // sram_noe.export
output wire [1:0] sram_byteenable_n // sram_byteenable_n.export
always @(avs_s0_address)
assign sram_data=avs_s0_writedata;
assign sram_data=z;
assign avs_s0_readdata = sram_data;
assign sram_address = avs_s0_address;
assign sram_ncs = avs_s0_chipselect_n;
assign sram_nwe = avs_s0_write_n;
assign sram_noe = ~avs_s0_readdata;
assign sram_byteenable_n = avs_s0_byteenable_n;
// TODO: Auto-generated HDL template