- Code: Select all
module UC_Exec
input [4:0] opcode,
input [1:0] cond,
input [2:0] op2,
input [2:0] op1,
input [15:0]addr,
input clk,
output over,
output signed [15:0] result
// Conexoes
wire [15:0] waddr = addr;
wire [4:0] wopc = opcode;
wire [2:0] wop1 = op1;
wire [2:0] wop2 = op2;
wire [1:0] wcond = cond;
wire overflow = over;
wire resneg, reszero;
wire signed [15:0] wdataout1, wdataout2, wularesult, wutdresult;
// Codigo
ula_art ula (wdataout1,wdataout2,wopc,clk,wularesult,overflow,resneg,reszero);
utd uttd (/*wdataout1*/waddr,wopc,clk,wutdresult);
bancoreg bdreg ((wularesult | wutdresult),wop1,wop1,wop2,clk,wopc,wdataout1,wdataout2);
assign result = (wularesult | wutdresult);
assign over = (overflow);
So its like i said, in this case the wires wdataout1 and wdataout2 are inputs for my ULA instance but they are my outputs for BDREG instance because i need data wich comes from my BDREG in the entrance of my ULA and UTTD, i think thats the problem but i dont know how to fix that...what do u sugest guyz?? thks a lot.