Important question about Serial interface project

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Important question about Serial interface project

Postby topsecret_007 » Sun Jun 11, 2006 3:25 pm

hello everybody

the serial interface project implements the UART , and it contains only 2 files one for transmitter and the other for reciever
but the UART doesn't only have transmitter and reciever it also have a main part which is a small memory uses FIFO algorithm , this memory is used to make flow control because CPU and FPGA are very faster than the serial UART transmission and recieving
i think this part must be implemented too

so i can't fogure out are these 2 files enough to make full communication between PC and FPGA without errors?

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Joined: Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:03 am
Location: egypt

Postby fpga4fun » Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:46 pm

FIFOs are not always required since RS232 is so slow. For example in an FPGA you can usually have a state machine that waits for data coming and process it right away.

But FIFOs can be useful in other cases. I'll leave that to you.
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