Counter and comparators problem!!!!!

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Counter and comparators problem!!!!!

Postby alveru » Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:40 am

Hello, my name is Alveru.

I am a regular student of VHDL, I've been a programmer for several years but now I am trying to program in VHDL. Now, I am stock with a simple problem but seems, perhaps, that I won't solve never., I was trying to do the VGA examples in this page.

Can anyone tell me how the vhdl works with counters and comparators?
When I try to implement a counter with comparators the language seems to do everything but my intentions. Here is a sample of my short code. :shock:

Port( ......
vga_HS : out std_logic;


signal Counter_HS : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0);
signal Counter_VS : std_logic_vector (8 downto 0);

Process(clock, reset)
if reset = '0' then
Counter_HS <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(clock) then
Counter_HS <= Counter_HS + 1;
end if;
End Process;

Process(Counter_HS, reset)

if reset = '0' then
vga_HS <= '1';
elsif Counter_HS <= 15 then
vga_HS <= '0';
vga_HS <= '1';
end if;

End process;


The problem here is that the counter simple doesn't count and comparator doesn't compare at all. With such a simple code I though it wouldn't be any problems but I was wrong. When I simulate the functionality of this code it works, but when I try to simulate in timing and with the real chip it craps!!!

I don't understand why this happens, the counter seems to count well but just the first 8 numbers but then it jumps from 8 to 25 and then to 33 then goes back again to 23 and so on, the comparator of course, with such a counter doesn't function properly. I've tryed to synchronize the output signal with the clock signal, but it fails again.

Could somebody please tell me how to deal with this problem, I don't understand the purpose of the commands if they don't do what they are suppose to do.

I hope someone can help me, I 'll go nuts if i can't find a solutions for this :x

Thank you.
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Postby fpga4fun » Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:36 am

Maybe your timing simulation is too fast (i.e. the clock is too fast) and that's bad for the count. Try to slow down the clock, or try a functional simulation first.
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Postby tkbits » Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:27 am

Regarding the real chip - how are you generating the clock signal, what's its frequency, and how are you inspecting the counter outputs?

The counter code is pretty standard - I've used it with Spartan2 and Spartan3 chips using Webpack 6.
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Postby alveru » Tue Jul 26, 2005 4:58 am


yes, as you suspected, the timing simulation was too fast :oops:

I was using a signal of 333.33 Mhz with a chip apex20K from altera

but it seems it was just to much for it.

I decreased the clock signal to 100 MHz and it did work :D

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