I started out simply displaying the value of an 8-bit counter on the LEDs, and then moved on to the 7-segment displays. Displaying a single digit, or the same digit multiple times was simple enough, but my attempts at multiplexing haven't been so successful.
The intent of the code is to simply show the high and low nibbles of the 8 bit counter independently on two 7-segmenet displays.
When I run the code I see the same thing on both displays, sometimes the numbers are clear, and at other times other segments that should not be lit at all are dimly lit, making the numbers difficult to read.
I am interested in any and all feedback to assist with learning.
- Code: Select all
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module FPGAPlay(clk,LEDs,anodes,sevenseg);
(* LOC="B8",PERIOD="50 MHz" *) input clk;
(* LOC="R4,F4,P15,E17,K14,K15,J15,J14" *) output reg [7:0] LEDs=0;
(* LOC="F17,H17,C18,F15" *) output reg [3:0] anodes=15;
(* LOC="L18,F18,D17,D16,G14,J17,H14,C17" *) output reg [6:0] sevenseg=0;
reg [7:0] cnt = 0;
reg [3:0] digit = 0;
reg [23:0] delay = 0;
reg [0:0] seg = 0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if(!delay) begin
case (seg)
1'b0 : anodes=4'b1011;
1'b1 : anodes=4'b0111;
case (seg===0 ? (cnt & 8'hF0) >> 4 : cnt & 8'h0F)
8'h0 : sevenseg=7'b0000001;
8'h1 : sevenseg=7'b1001111;
8'h2 : sevenseg=7'b0010010;
8'h3 : sevenseg=7'b0000110;
8'h4 : sevenseg=7'b1001100;
8'h5 : sevenseg=7'b0100100;
8'h6 : sevenseg=7'b0100000;
8'h7 : sevenseg=7'b0001111;
8'h8 : sevenseg=7'b0000000;
8'h9 : sevenseg=7'b0000100;
8'hA : sevenseg=7'b0001000;
8'hB : sevenseg=7'b1100000;
8'hC : sevenseg=7'b0110001;
8'hD : sevenseg=7'b1000010;
8'hE : sevenseg=7'b0110000;
8'hF : sevenseg=7'b0111000;
default : sevenseg=7'b1111110;
seg = seg + 1;
delay <= delay + 1;