logic behavior

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logic behavior

Postby leeguy » Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:28 pm

hi, i would like to know how logic behaves in a real fpga(not a simulator).
say, i had a 3-bit counter connected to a 3-8 line decoder and each output line was connected to an input of the same OR gate, in theory, the output of the OR gate should stay at 1 as the counter is incremented.
will this really work like this, or will each counter transition cause some glitch in the output which could possibly trigger a flipflop?

thanks for any replies.

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Postby NickH » Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:38 am

Hi Lee,

Yes, there could be a glitch! It's called a Static hazard. Another classic example is a multiplexer: (a?b:c) might glitch when a changes even if b and c are the same.

Usually, it's not a problem. It's safe to use the output as input to another Flipflop on the same clock. But it's not safe to use it as a clock, or as an asynchronous control signal for anything. If you need to do that, the solution is to put another Flipflop on the output. This delays it by one cycle.

BTW, It's a good idea to ensure all chip outputs or derived clocks come directly from a Flipflop, or the negation of a Flipflop. [It's sometimes possible to make logic "glitch-proof", but it's hard to express it in Verilog or VHDL -- the tools may "optimize out" your attempts to make it safe -- and remember FPGAs don't use normal gates.]

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Postby leeguy » Thu Sep 25, 2008 7:44 pm

ah, i see. how about something as simple as using a AND gate to stop a counter incrementing. ie: a clock ANDed with a line which is at 0. would that glitch at the clock transitions? if so, how can i do this properly?
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Postby tkbits » Fri Sep 26, 2008 5:50 am

You need to be aware that when you AND a clock with another signal, the new signal becomes a potential clock signal. If the inhibit/enable signal pulses when the clock is low, you get another clock edge at the gate's output.
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Postby leeguy » Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:09 pm

ok, how about an inverter on the clock?

the main problem im having is producing glitch free timing lines, such as T1-T8 from harry porter's relay computer:
http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~harry/Relay/Re ... age195.png
how would this be done without a risk of a glitch?
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Postby NickH » Sat Sep 27, 2008 10:48 am

I'm a bit confused what you're trying to do: are these internal signals in your FPGA, or are they driving off-chip...?

In your example, you can make 8 individual outputs glitch-free: simply register them using flipflops. But you can't guarantee they'll switch simultaneously (it's impossible to define, because it takes time to get from 0 to 1, and the wires will have tiny, different delays on them).

If it's for on-FPGA use, don't try to use them as clocks, but use them as enables. For instance:
Code: Select all
always @(posedge clock) begin // generate enabling pulse every 8th cycle
  counter <= counter + 1'b1;
  t1 <= (counter == 3'b000);

always @(posedge clock) begin
  if (t1) begin
    foo <= bar; // foo gets updated after the cycle when t1 was high
    something <= else + other;
    // etc...

Just distribute the enable signal "t1", alongside "clock", to all the modules that need it. [Make sure the enable is registered, because that helps with fanout issues.]

FPGAs are intended for this sort of "synchronous" design. Trying to use them in other ways is a bit of a struggle!


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