Looking for a project idea

FPGA projects on this site, or abroad

Postby Kristallo » Wed Nov 21, 2007 4:23 pm

If you ask is something is hard on a FPGA then it will be very hard. Everything is hard on FPGA unless you have the code hanging around from earlier, what you can do in seconds on a CPU you will spend days on to do on a FPGA. Even getting the data in and out of the chip is a huge problem compared to a PC or a microcontroller.

What about searching for linear feedback registers with specific properties. A modern PC is about the same speed (200MHz) as a FPGA when running a simple LFSR but a FPGA can run many at the same time.

A proper radio is going to take months or years unless you have very special skills.
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Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2004 3:25 am

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