What are the basic steps to compile the source shipped with the dragon?
Now i created a new project. Loaded the v file as source. Compiled.
and used the bit file in the project. (with the name of the source)
Is this correct?
Because when i upload the bit file. the fpga doesn't blink any led..
(this could be correct but would be better to change.....)
Could anybody share a garanteed working USB ==> LCD exe file?
Maybe its better to add it to the documentation.
Its then easyer to dig out if its the fpga or the c file.
I converted to delphi sow even overthere there are small changes...
Atleast one can test and exclude failures!
Its hard for us to become familiar with this stuff, to make it easyer the service would need to be taken just a small bit further...
wy not supply the bit files and exe of all the examples???
its the way one can test if its setup is correct and if his comiling is correct etc. etc. etc...