Is there a trick to changing the IO standard? I can't get the output voltage to be anything but 3.3 volts. In QuartusII 6.1 Web Edition (with Xylo-EM) I change the IO standard in the Pin Planner from 3.3 to 1.5, compile and load, but I still get 3.3 volts out. I also tried setting drive strength to minimum, but with no apparent visual effect (although I did not measure current).
The way I'm testing this is I took the LED Blink program and widened the register to 4 bits (and assigned to match the onboard LEDs) and assigned the two new bits to external pins (routed to a solderless breadboard). I then put an LED on one pin (for visual indication) and a 1K resistor with an oscilloscope across it on the other. I can't see or measure a difference when changing IO standards. I even made sure that the new pins were from an IO bank different than the onboard LEDs. Originally I tried the testing with just measuring voltage across the onboard LEDs, but got the same result.
Any help?