I have a Saxo-L board which I have modified so that I can use the JTAG interfce from USB blaster. I have basically disconnected the JTAG lines between FX2 and the FPGA and through jumpers, I can either select JTAG-over-USB via FX2 or directly the USB-blaster.
I am using EZ-USB to send/receive data. My test program writes few bytes to FX2 FIFO2 and the FPGA writes few bytes back to FIFO4. Everything works fine when I configure the FPGA using FPGAconf.exe (via FX2 JTAG interface).
When I configure the FPGA directly using USB blaster, the USB_BulkWrite function fails (program terminates at assert(nBytes==buffersize) ). If the FPGA is not configured properly, I would expect the reading part to fail.
The same problem happens if I try to write to FX2 FIFO2 without configuring the FPGA (just after power-up).
My question is: How is writing to FX2 FIFO2 affected by whether FPGA is configured or not ? I expected FIFO2 writes to always work (as long as there is space in FIFO) irrespective of whether FPGA is configured or not.