What do I need to make Saxo work with VB6?

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What do I need to make Saxo work with VB6?

Postby fpgalearner » Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:52 am

Can anybody help point me in the right direction here? All the examples I can find are for C# or C++ and .NET and I'm just confused. I am very familiar with Altera parts, but my Visual Studio programming is pretty rusty. I need to communicate between an FPGA device and an existing VB6 program and thought the Saxo would make this easy enough. However, I don't know where to begin with the USB .dll or .lib or whatever for VB6 since all I see are C# examples.

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Joined: Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:46 am


Postby ICs » Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:54 pm

Have you figured out how to communicate with the FPGA using VB6? I faced the same issue and I am pretty bad at C++. So this is what I did. In my VB code I had a shell command which called the C++ .exe file. The .exe file is the same as provided in the start-up kit. I basically wrote the data to be transferred to FPGA in a notepad file(inside the VB6 pgm) and made the C++ .exe access the notepad and send the data.
I know this is a little crude method, but I had only 2 bytes of data to be sent and this worked well.
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