I hope some one can help me with this dilema...
I am using Xylo-EM (rev A) with Flashy-D (rev H).
I have read up the oscillator tutorial and about synchronizing different clock domains to try to and fix my problem to no avail.
Sorry for the long post but I seem not to be able to explain in short:
The Flashy-D ADC is at 100MHz and USB2 is at 48MHz. I am capturing at 100MHz samples and processing, which contains data at 4MHz. I think the USB2 is capable of streaming this 4MHz data to PC in real time, no? Problem is the data is in the 100MHz ADC clock domain - unrelated to the 48MHz USB2 clock domain.
I've tried using a FIFO to synchronize the clocks, but it doesn't work - it creates long delays (longer than 4MHz!) and plus it seems it does not allow simultaneous read/write. *Note, I have tried writing to FIFO until full and then send to USB2 - it works. But this is not real time - I will be missing some 4MHz data when I restart filling FIFO again (seems the synchronizer is the culprit here - very long delays).
I have a solution - it's to use the FPGA PLL1 to generate 48MHz * 2 = 96MHz and disable the 100MHz clock, then to use this instead.
Now my problem is there are 2 PLL outputs, pll_out_p (positive terminal, pin 31) and pll_out_n (negative terminal, pin 32). Does any one know how I can connect them to the Flashy D?