Hi, I've been trying to configure my Pluto-II with an FTDI TTL-232 USB-serial converter, but to no avail. The datasheet for the cable is here: http://www.ftdichip.com/Documents/DataS ... S_V201.pdf I have the 5.0V version of the cable.
I've tried plugging the USB-serial cable into the appropriate pins on the TXDI board, and directly into the Pluto board without the TXDI board. Either way, as soon as I connect to the RxD line on the Pluto board, it appears that the FPGA freezes operation -- the onboard LED, which normally pulses on and off just glows a solid dim red. FPGAConf times out when I try to upload an rbf file.
Could anyone give me some tips on how to get this working?