by Lan Tran » Fri Dec 22, 2006 5:16 pm
Hi ,
On your web site has a FPGA code for oscilloscope. Did this code really work or just a general idea? If it is good code, what else I need to do so
I can generate bit file-config FPGA and see the signal on oscillosope. ( like ucf file ...)
Following is the copy of the code from your web site.
// Complete design
// Our first working oscilloscope design, isn't that nice?
module oscillo(clk, TxD, clk_flash, data_flash);
input clk;
output TxD;
input clk_flash;
input [7:0] data_flash;
reg [7:0] data_flash_reg; always @(posedge clk_flash) data_flash_reg <= data_flash;
wire [7:0] q_fifo;
fifo myfifo(.data(data_flash_reg), .wrreq(wrreq), .wrclk(clk_flash), .wrfull(wrfull), .wrempty(wrempty), .q(q_fifo), .rdreq(rdreq), .rdclk(clk), .rdempty(rdempty));
// The flash ADC side starts filling the fifo only when it is completely empty,
// and stops when it is full, and then waits until it is completely empty again
reg fillfifo;
always @(posedge clk_flash)
fillfifo <= wrempty; // start when empty
fillfifo <= ~wrfull; // stop when full
assign wrreq = fillfifo;
// the manager side sends when the fifo is not empty
wire TxD_busy;
wire TxD_start = ~TxD_busy & ~rdempty;
assign rdreq = TxD_start;
async_transmitter async_txd(.clk(clk), .TxD(TxD), .TxD_start(TxD_start), .TxD_busy(TxD_busy), .TxD_data(q_fifo));