Big problem here!
I think something is F**** up on my Dragon board. All was working fine with some test programs i uploaded to the board but when i tried to upload a P&P test program the PC locked up every time (PCI and USB pc is the same) so i try to upload the bit file from my laptop with PCI PC off and boot with the configuration loaded (so with 5V power from the laptop). But the configurator program don't work on the laptop (64bit):?
So i tried to load the bit file again from the other PC (PCI PC) and then switch the USB to the laptop so the dragon keeps powered from USB (laptop) while i reboot the PCI computer. During reboot the PCI computer locked up and after that the PC don't connect to the dragon anymore via USB eather . Removed the Dragon from the PCI slot, rebooted and tried to just connected the USB but no luck. Now i discovered that the LM1117 regulator on the back is getting very hot. Measured the voltages and found the 5V is ok but 3,3v is only at 0.4V ..... Anyone had the same problem or do someone have a suggestion Could be just the LM thats gone but maybe the USB controller can be bad to ... Can this be repaired?