Hi, all.
My dragon board finally comes right in my hand. This is a very nice board i think.
Unfortunately, I got problem using the board as a PCI card.
First, I plugged the dragon board into a free PCI slot. I loaded the plug & play bit stream file example named PCI_PnP.100K.bit shipped with the board using FPGAconfigurator software. Then I scan any hardware change in device manager, but nothing happened. The operating system doesn't detect any new device.
I also generated the bit file from the example Verilog code and the ucf file inside PCI P&P folder using Xilinx ISE 9.1, loaded the bit file, but the result is the same.
I generated another bit file from IORAM project folder, loaded the bit file, and once I launched the IOtest software and hit the read button, it gives me "privileged instruction" message.
The other bit file example such as ledglow.100k.bit and ledblink.100k.bit work fine as well as a code I wrote doing the counting LED.
I plug a USB 2.0 PCI card next to the Dragon board on the PCI slots and it runs normally. The device manager could detect the card but not my dragon board.
I have read and followed all the instruction on the dragon's manual and still give no clue. Can anybody give me some advice about this problem?
FYI these are what I use:
- Dragon board rev.E from KNJN
- ASUS P5KPL-CM mainboard with Intel Core2Duo processor and Intel 82801 PCI bridge controller on the board
- Windows XP SP2
- Xilinx ISE 9.1i
- FPGAconf.exe
- IOtest.exe